Geometry and Fraction Bulletin Board

I work with the local university to mentor beginning education majors.  One of their assignments is to complete a bulletin board.  Both semesters my mentees have rocked out their bulletin boards.  Since they are in the classroom working with students and observing during math, both have centered around math topics.  In the fall we planned and implemented an art project focused around The Greedy Triangle.  Students then completed artwork and a response that demonstrated their knowledge of similar and congruent shapes.  Check out their work...

 Students hard at work on their works of art.  It was pajama day so you'll have to excuse their jammies.

This week we are deep into our fraction unit.  I didn't have time to break the pacing too much so my mentee went with an instructional bulletin board centered on fractions.  She obviously did her research, and thought it out before working through it.  She left while I was teaching so I didn't have a chance to tell her how amazing it is.  I will be shooting her an email shortly. Check out her work....


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