Teacher Appreciation Gifts

With Teacher Appreciation Week this week, the PTA has lots of events planned for the staff all week long - catered lunch, supply day, breakfast, gift card giveaway day, and hot beverage day (Starbucks!!).  It's been great so far.  However, many of the students don't realize that its Teacher Appreciation Week until it starts.  Today I joined the class for Morning Meeting to be asked by a couple of my students what I liked and needed so they could tell their parents for Teacher Appreciation Week.  I told them that they had known me for an entire school year and I'm sure they could come up with something.  Here is what my kids brainstormed:

Caffeine - Starbucks and Dr. Pepper
Chocolate - M&M's and Reese's
Respect, Good Listening

My favorite was added by a student with not much of a filter: "a boyfriend."

Gotta love them :)


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