New Classroom Theme ..... OWLS

I couldn't decide on a theme for my new class.  I went through different art themes since my new school is an arts magnet - Young Picassos, something music related, or possibly a Renaissance theme (all the arts) - but I couldn't commit to one.  I'm watching a friend's dog this week and she surprised me with the Carson Dellosa Owl theme bulletin board pack (name plates, posters, borders, calendar, etc) and stickers.  I was so excited and got started making book bin labels, Daily 5 posters, CAFE strategy signs, newsletter template, etc. I wanted to share some of the things....feel free to use!

Book Bin Labels (PDF)  If you want an editable version, just leave a comment w/ your email address.

Update... Thanks for all the positive feedback regarding the OWL theme.  I'm posting a couple additional links for files that also link with the OWL theme.  Hope they're helpful.

OWL Newsletter Template (PDF)
 OWL of the Week Graphic Organizer (PDF) - When a student is OWL of the week, they will fill out the graphic organizer and it will be put into a page protector sleeve on the board.  They can also bring in pictures.


Elizabeth said…
These are so cute! Thanks for sharing and posting on my blog about what you have made. :)

- Elizabeth
Anonymous said…
Lov4e your blog, Megan. You have been busy. Catherine
Megan said…
Elizabeth..hope you can use them!

Catherine - I'm staying busy and getting everything done now because I know I'll feel a step behind once school starts...especially with a new school and grade!
omavila97 said…
I love the owl theme! I'm a first year bilingual teacher and I also decided to do owls! Would you mind emailing me an editable version so I can translate them to Spanish?
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much! I bought the packet today, and have been searching the internet for ideas! And your ideas were my reward!!! Thank you for sharing
Megan said…
Omavila97 - I will email you the files. They are publisher files. Hope you can use them :)

amybeth64 said…
Your site is wonderful! I am wanting to edit these beautiful owl labels for my library. This is exactly what I have been searching for too!

Amy Beth
Megan said…
Amy Beth - If you post your email address then I can send you the editable files. Glad you like them.

Megan said…
Just found a site with great owl printables. Right now they're free! Check out the Theme Machine....
amybeth64 said…
Sorry! My email is

Thanks so much for your time!

Amy Beth
Anonymous said…
What a hoot! :) I, too, am doing an owl theme. Would you please send me the labels? Thanks!!
Jennifer Smith said…
My new theme is owls too...they are so cute and wise! I would love an editable version of your book labels..can you please email me? Thank you!
jennifer Smith said…
My email is:
Jennifer Smith said…
Also, would you mind sending me the CAFE menu posters? When I try to print them, the title doesn't print...possibly something with that cute font and my grumpy computer;-) Thanks! My email is above...
Anonymous said…
Hi! I love the book bin labels! Could you send me the editable version?

Anonymous said…
I am switching to this theme, too! I would love and editable version of the book basket labels!
Anonymous said…
Love the owl theme!
I'm doing an owl theme as well, would love to have an editable version of your OWL newsletter (I teach in a french school, so I need to translate everything). If you could email me that would be great!

Thanks Megan!
Mrs. L said…
Ahh! I found your blog a week ago and forgot to bookmark it. I have been searching for it for an entire week and I'm so glad I finally found it again. Thanks for your ideas and awesomeness!
Kball said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kball said…
I love what you have done with this theme! This is my first year teaching and I also went with the owl theme! Our school does Daily 5 and CAFE as well. Thank you for sharing! Could I please have the editable versions? I am so excited!

twinpetersons said…
I love your owl Daily 5 and CAFE signs. I would love an editable version as I do not have the font used for the main headings. Thank you so much!

Mrs. Valle said…
I am an owl fanatic this year and I just love all of the resources you created! I would love to have an editable version of all of it. Thank you for all you do!!!
Anonymous said…
I am doing an owl theme in my first grade classroom- could you send me the editable versions of the book labels and newsletter?

Thanks it all looks great!
Kball said…
Sorry didn't mean to say I needed every editable version. Can you please send me the newsletter and graphic organizers editable version?

Thank you!

Megan said…
I think I've sent files to everyone! .... your email address didn't work though :(

Thanks everyone for following!!
Unknown said…
I know a bunch of people have already asked, but would you mind sending one more editable version of everything to:

Thanks so much! They are adorable!!
Tiffany said…
Hi I would love editable versions of the newsletter, OWL of the week organizer, and book labels. Love everything you have done. Did you make a bulletin board with this theme? If so, how did you do it?

My email is
Anonymous said…
Sorry the email is

:) Thanks!
I use printshop which is cheap and lets you move graphics around...which you can't do in word unless you insert shapes.

A Time to Share & Create


Fabulous 4th Grade
Sarah said…
So great to find this. I am also using owls this year! Thank you for sharing with the world. I was wondering if you could share your editable bins - they would be perfect for kids bins.
Thank you in advance! My email is
Jen said…
Thanks for sharing. I too am doing an owl theme and would love an editable copy of your book labels.
My e-mail is

MLB said…
These are really cool. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering though if there was a way to get the newsletter file in something else so that we can type in it? thanks!
MLB said…
Sorry, I should have left my email:
I would also like an editable copy of the book labels if possible too.
Kate said…
I would love to get an editable version of the book labels and the classroom newsletter if possible. They're both so cute! My email is Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I would LOVE your newsletter if you wouldn't mind sending it. Thanks, Mary
msmas said…
Hi, I am loving the owls as well. Can you please send me an editable version of the owls book lables? Thanks so much! hAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!
Anonymous said…
Hi! Love your site! I would love to use your newsletter outline for my new Pre K classroom! Can you please send me an editable version? Thank you so much!!!!!
- Mary
Sarah Poland said…
I'm doing an owl theme in my 1st grade classroom this year and am so excited to have run across your blog! I'd love to have the editable version of your book bin labels. Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Would you mind sharing the book bin labels editable version with me as well? I am teaching 1st grade with an owl theme as well...
Anonymous said…
I love your OWL of the Week. I am doing an owl theme this year too and I am coming in 2 weeks after school has started so I have a weekend to get everything ready. I sure appreciate being able to "steal" some stuff from you. Is there any way you can send me a word version of your newsletter??
Oh and stop by my blog -- it's a baby but I'm working on it.
Anonymous said…
I would love the editable version of all of it! Looks great!
Carol Ann said…
Thank you for posting these! I came across your site this morning and will continue to "follow" you. :) Would you mind sending the editable version of all to Owls are my theme this year as well! Have a wonderful school year!
Anonymous said…
Could you please send me the editable versions of your templates please. I have been looking for a 3rd grade owl themed newsletter!!! Love it!

Thank You!
Tamaryn said…
These are adorable resources. I start my first year of teaching next year, and absolutely love this theme. I will be teaching Grade 1's and was wondering if you could please send me the editable versions of all your resources to adjust to suite my gade. I would be so greatful.

Thank you
auburn_curls said…
I would love to edit them as well! So cute! Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said…
These are so cute! Could you please email to me? Thanks
I love these! Can you send me the editable ones? I am a first year 5th grade teacher and have owls as my classroom theme. The kids absolutely love it too.
Anonymous said…
These are wonderful! Could I get an editable newsletter and graphic organizer? Thank you so much :)
Mrs. Warcup said…
Hi! I love your blog! I was wondering if you could send me an editable Book bin labels. I really like doing the OWL theme in my room. I am loving it! THese book bin labels will be so cute for my library. (It will give me the push to organize it once and for all... ha!)

JEssica Warcup
Zalira said…
Hi, I am a beginning teacher and I loooove owls. I'm doing an owl theme for my classroom too. Could you please send me edited versions please. My email address is

Many many thanks!!
mh2ocot said…
Our school has a owl for a mascot so your ideas are perfect for me! I would love a copy of the book labels that I could edit for my library. My email is Thanks so much!
Anonymous said…
hi i love your owl theme i have just made giant birthday owls for my new kindergarten room so these are just perfect. please can you send me the editable versions please? i am
thank you!
Robin said…
I teach first grade and want to do the owl theme in my classroom. Can you please send me an editable version of the owl book bin labels? My email address is:

Thanks so much! :)

- Robin
Anonymous said…
Absolutely love your owl theme - so cute!! Could I get an editable version of the book bin labels too. My email is

Thanks so much!!

Tanya :)
Anonymous said…
I hope you don't mind, but your blog was so great, I shared it with my teacher friends on Pinterest. We are doing an owl theme for next year, and I know they will love your ideas as much as I did! Thanks for you hard work! :)
Anonymous said…
Do you mind sending me an editable book bin label document. Thanks! My e-mail address is
Anonymous said…
Hi there :) I'm looking for a new theme for my first grade classroom, and this is perfect! Would you mind emailing me the files so that I can edit them and translate for ESL learners/parents? Thanks so much!
Anonymous said…
Love your ideas!! You are very creative. Can you please send me your owl theme files to, would love to use it for next year! ;)
Anna said…
These are so great! I am a fourth grade student teacher, and I would love to use them in our classroom if you would be willing! So sweet and useful!

Anonymous said…
These are great! Would you please email copies of these. My email address is Thank you for sharing!
Anonymous said…
I would love to use an owl theme for next school year. We get out on May 15 and return in Aug. Can you email the owl publisher documents or pdf?
bea said…
I'm using the Owl Theme for a 2yr old preschool room...I would love the owl label pdf please!
Anonymous said…
Megan, these are amazing! I just got my first teaching job and am going to be in a 2nd grade room. I would LOVE a copy of your files. Enjoy the rest of your school year!

Thanks again!
Anonymous said…
Hi there! Thanks so much for posting. Would you mind to send me editable copies of your owl stuff? I'd especially love to have the file (that I can edit) of the OWL Newsletter Template. My email is
Chris & Heather said…
Please send me editable versions...thank you so much:)
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for posting and sharing! Can you please email me the editabe version of your owl newsletter and book labels to

Thanks :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing! Please download the editable version of these to me


Greta H
Anonymous said…
Your owl themed things are so cute. I would love to have a copy of the version I can edit. Thanks so much for sharing your ides!
Chris & Heather said…
May I have a copy of book bin labels that is editable? Thank you so much!
mlock said…
Hello! I have stumbled onto your blog! I LOVE it! I am moving to 3rd grade from 5th grade next year and found your blog while looking for ideas for an Owl themed classroom... I was wondering if you have an editable version of you newsletter that is owl themed? I would love to use that template for my classroom newsletter. I downloaded it to my computer at school, but it will not let me type, etc... on to it?? Thank you for your help!! Mariah
Anonymous said…
I am a first year teacher and I am doing my classroom in owls! I LOVE your ideas! I would really like the editable version of your ideas :) Thanks so much for sharing!
Anonymous said…
I am also a first year teacher and will be using the owl theme. I would love to have your editable versions too! My email is

Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Angela Riddle
Anonymous said…
I am switching to an owl theme as well this fall and would love editable versions as well. My email is

Thank you so much for sharing!

Unknown said…
Love your blog! Are you willing to share your OWL theme items? I am teaching 1st grade for the first time this year, and plan to do an owl theme!
Anonymous said…
Love live this!! Can you please send me an editable version! Sooo cute! Thanks a million!
Victoria said…
I would love an editable version of the labels!

My email address is:

Thank you!!

Anonymous said…
These are just adorable. They are going to look great in my Kindergarten class. Could u send me the editable ones? Thanks Laura
Email is
Anonymous said…
Hi Would you please send an editable version of the owl newsletter,owl of the week graphic organizer, daily five, and cafe menu posters to I am planning on changing my theme to owls this year and i love all of your stuff!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Hi! I really enjoy all of the owl-themed things on your page! Can you please email me the editable version of the book labels?

Thank you!
Anonymous said…
Wow! Love the owl resources. Would you please email the resources that can be edited to Thank you!
Amanda Brake said…
Hi there! I am adopting the "Owl Theme" for the new school year and would love to use the editable labels you created. Could you please email them to Thanks so much!
Anonymous said…
Sooooo Cute! Just what I was looking for! Please send me the editable version of the book labels.

Anonymous said…
Truly love the owl theme! Would you be willing to e-mail me an editable version of your newsletter template?
Anonymous said…
I just love the owl theme! Would you be willing to e-mail me an editable version of your newsletter template, owl of teh week, and book labels as I am new to third grade and would greatly appreciate them. Thank you so very much!
Anonymous said…
Love the owl theme! I will be using an owl theme in my third grade class this year. Would you mind emailing me an editable version of your newsletter template, OWL of the week, and book bin labels? Thank you!
Unknown said…
Love the owl theme! I will be using an owl theme in my 2nd grade class this year. Would you mind emailing me an editable version of your newsletter template, OWL of the week, and book bin labels? Thank you in advance. Your creations are wonderful and I look forward to using them. My email address is
Anonymous said…
LOVE your OWL theme, I, too, will be having the Owl theme this year. Would you please email me the downloads as well; I love all of them! :)

Thanks for sharing ;)
Anonymous said…
Hi this is all very cute! I am going with the owl theme this year also! Could you email me editable downloads as well? I would really appreciate it!

Anonymous said…
Hi! I'm a first year kindergarten teacher who is going to do an owl theme, and I find your creations ADORABLE! Would you please email me the ones I can edit?

Thank you so much!!
Hey! These are awesome! Do you by chance have an editable version of the newsletter that you could send me?? I LOVE it... but I teach 2nd. My email is

Thanks so much!!!
Anonymous said…
This is so awesome... I am getting ready to change my theme, I already use daily 5 in my class.. Can you please send me the version I can edit to my email at
THanks again!
Barb Nickell-Clark said…
Love the owl theme! Super cute- Would you be so kind as to forward me a version that I may edit to meet my needs?

In advance, look forward to hearing from you!
Anonymous said…
I love your owl theme! Will you please email the editable versions of your Owl of the week and book labels?

Thanks so much!
Kat Rowan said…
Wow these are soooo cute! I absolutely love owls anyway and just stumbled across them. I would LOVE an editable version if you wouldn't mind sending one to

Thank you
Unknown said…
I would love if you could share the editable book labels :) THANK YOU !!
Anonymous said…
Howdy! I LOVE your ideas- I have an owl themed 2nd grade class as well and the kids think it is a hoot!
Is it possible to get the editable version for the Newsletter?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I'm at or is it just my weak computer skills and it is already "editable?" Thanks again!
Unknown said…
Wow!! I love all of your ideas!! If you could possibly send me any of the editable material via e-mail that would be awesome!


-Melissa P.
Dana D. said…
Loved it all. I teach third grade, do the daily 5, and am doing an owl theme. Can I get an editable version of the book labels?
Thank you for sharing!
Anonymous said…
These are PERFECT for my new classroom. However, I am teaching fourth grade. Could you e-mail an editable version of the newsletter?

Thanks for sharing :) :)
Unknown said…
Love this theme as the Owl is our school mascot. Is it possible to send an editable version of the Newsletter Template and the OWL of the Week Graphic Organizer.
Monica said…
Could you email me an editable version of the owl of the week graphic organizer. Love your ideas! Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Hi! I love the book bin labels! Could you send me the editable version?

Ms. M said…
First year teacher here!! Super excited to teach 3rd grade! Love your blog! I'd love an editable version since I'm also doing an owl theme! Thanks a bunch!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the owl things that you have created. I am using a lot of owls in my classroom this year. I love your book bin labels. Could you e-mail me the editable file so I can add guided reading levels for some of my book boxes? Thank you!!! I will be sharing your blog with my co-teacher.
Anonymous said…
Also could you send the newsletter??

Anonymous said…
Love it!!!Could you please send me an editable version of your book labels
Anonymous said…
Love all of your owl things! I would love to have an editable version of anything you can send me! My email is
Ashley said…
I love, love, love your page! I am going to try out an owl theme this year. Could you please send me your editable owl book bin labels. My email is
Anonymous said…
These are the cutest things ever! I would be forever grateful if you could sent me an editable version!!!

Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for sharing! Could you please send me your editable version of the book labels? My email is Thanks again!
Anonymous said…
Could you please send me the editable versions of the book labels, newsletter, and owl of the week? Thanks so much!!
Carrie Blair-Wilcox said…
I love your book labels, newsletter and OWL of the week. Could you please email me the editable versions of all three? Thank you so much!!
Anonymous said…
Would love the book bin labels!! So cute!!

I love the owl theme! Thanks for sharing :)

I would like your editable versions of the book labels, newsletter, and OWL of the Week. Much appreciated!
Anonymous said…
I love this! :) Can i please have all the editable versions? I really want to use them in my classroom this year! Thank you! My email is
Anonymous said…
These are adorable!!!!! Could I please have the editable versions emailed to me? These would look great with my owl theme this year. My email is
Anonymous said…
Hey, I'm also doing the owl theme. Would you mind e-mailing me the editable versions as well?
Thank you so much!
Anonymous said…
Hey, I am also doing the owl theme this year in my third grade classroom. Can you email me the editable version? Thanks
Anonymous said…
Loving the owl theme! This will be my theme for this year. Could you please email me the editable version of everything? thank so much! :)
Anonymous said…
Love all of your owl-themed creations for the classroom. Can you email me the editable versions (especially the newletter, Daily 5 posters, CAFE posters). Thank you!
My email address is:
Anonymous said…
I have been looking for owl theme items all summer. Finally stumbled upon your site and am AMAZED! I love your ideas. Thanks for sharing.
I am leaving my email.
If at all possible, can you please send me the book labels that I can edit for my classroom library!
This is awesome. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Love your stuff! Would you mind sending the editable versions of the newsletter and book bin labels?

Thanks so much,
Anonymous said…
So cute!!! I am doing owls in my classroom as a first year teacher! Would you mind sending me an editable version of the book genre labels? They are too perfect!

Heather Keppy said…
Hi! Your graphics and typeface choices are SO neat! I teach in a CAFE/Daily 5 bldg an am the Reading Spec. May I get a version of the OWL of the Week G.O.? Thank you for so generously sharing your creative work!
Anonymous said…
These are GREAT! Would love and very much appreciate the OWL newletter editable version. Thank you so much!
Anonymous said…
These are great. Can you email me the newsletter template? I love it. Hope everyone has a terrific school year!
dem90201 said…
Your owls are so cute! Can you send me a editable copy of the owl book bins labels and newsletter?
Anonymous said…
These are adorable. Thank you for sharing. Can you send me an editable copy of the Owl of the Week Graphic Organizer? I would really appreciate it.
Anonymous said…
I would love an editable copy of the book bin labels. They are so cute...Thank you for sharing!
Anonymous said…
I am doing an OWL theme for my 6th grade classroom and would love a copy of the Bin Labels!

Anonymous said…
Love! I would like a copy of the blank bin labels.

Anonymous said…
I would love an editable form of your book bin labels for the owl theme. You can email me at Thanks so much! Maria
Tracy Skinner said…
I would love ANYTHING OWL related that can be edited. You can email me at
Thank you so much! I'm trying to create my entire owl-themed classroom this year!!! Your stuff is GREAT!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the owl theme. I am also setting up a new classroom this year and chose owls as my theme. I would really like an editable version of your resources (especially the newsletter). So cute!!

Anonymous said…
I would also like an editable version of your resources. Thank you SO much for sharing!!

Unknown said…
I would love to have these as well! They are so nice! Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
I just stumbled on your blog and love the owl theme. Can you please email me the editable version of your gorgeous owl bits and pieces?
Thank you very much!!
Anonymous said…
Please send me a copy I can edit. Thank you for your resource!
Anonymous said…
Can I please have them each in editable version too?....thank you for sharing free!

Thank you so much!!!
Awnash said…
I would love to have your awesome things so I can edit them with my info.thanks so much for sharing!!!

Thank you so much!
Autumn Nash
Barbara said…
Could you please email me the attachment of your OWL newsletter?

Thanks so much!
Anonymous said…
I am teaching third this year and would love to do the owl theme. Please email me a copy I can edit. Thank you for sharing!!
Unknown said…
I love these owl book bin label! I would like to get a copy of them that can be edited also. My email is
Valeria said…
I love your owl theme. I am working in a library this year and I am using owls. Please send me an editable version of your great ideas. My email is

Anonymous said…
Such a cute owl theme! Can you please send me an editable version of your owl theme? Thank you. My email is
Unknown said…
Love, love, love your ideas! Can you please email me the owl newsletter template? My email is Thank you!! :)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I just changed my classroom theme to Owls! Your links are awesome, could I have a copy of your materials?
Thanks in advance,
Anonymous said…
I would love a copy of the editable book bins and newsletter with owl theme. Thank you so much for sharing!
Anonymous said…
They are awesome. I would love an editable file of the labels & newsletter!Thank you in advance.

Ericka said…
Could you please send me the graphic organizer and newsletter template?

Thank you!
Unknown said…
I would like an editable version of your newsletter. It's great. Except I teach 4th.

Anonymous said…
I would love a copy of your editable newsletter. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I would love to edit these for my classroom!
Anonymous said…
New to yorh blog. Great stuff! Can I get an editable version? Especially if the book labels to help kinders....

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