Multiple entry points with STEAM

Your #STEAMByte for the week....

When STEAM education integrates multiple subject areas it serves as a way to differentiate your instruction. Students who may not feel successful or interested in a specific subject area might be hooked by the integration of another subject. Sometimes STEAM units or lessons will incorporate multiple subject content objects, other times one area might be used to support the content objects in another area, additionally, context integration might use the context from one discipline to learn content objectives in another area (English, 2017).

For example, a math unit on data might use sports statistics as a hook for students. Students might even collect their own data for how far they can throw a football. Finally, students can use a website like Geogebra to help graph their data. 

Don't be scared to move away from the textbook to engage your learners! Let STEAM hook your students!


English, L. D. (2017). Advancing elementary and middle school STEM education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(1), 5-24.


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